jueves, 16 de agosto de 2012

GLOBERO (a escoger)

No pude decidirme si era mejor en color o en blanco y negro. Ustedes escojan...

3 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

Las dos.
El color transmite cosas positivas y el byn le da un toque de antigüedad, de nostalgía, según yo.

Nadja dijo...

A hard choice indeed.
I am often really torn between B&W and colour.
But sometimes the colours are really too good to hide them.
And this photo is a great example of that.
Still, the B&W has it's own charm.
Drawing attention more to the person instead of to the balloons.
Sorry, I guess this isn't much help...

CLICK CLICK... dijo...

I guess if I chose the B&W it would have to go into the P,PE series...